
Chilli Choc hemp Ballz

Ok, so it’s no big secret that I’m not usually one to make my own protein balls, I’d much rather buy them or steal Jess’s from the work fridge. However once in a while {usually when my hand is forced} I’ll get my act together and actually make my own. There’s no fancy ingredients and they’re simple AF but hey, they tick the ‘healthy’ snack box criteria and they actually taste alright.

Use code CAR10 for 10% off Tony Sfeir Designer Physique Proteins.

What you’ll need:

3/4 cup Tony Sfeir Designer Physique Organic Hemp Protein

1/2 cup raw Peanut Butter 

2-3 tbsp raw honey / Maple Syrup

1/4 cup raw cocoa

1 tsp Chilli powder  

2 tbsp coconut oil - melted

a couple of tablespoons of hemp seeds, chia seeds & coconut for rolling

What to do:

Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly with a spatula / spoon. Once the ingredients have formed a dough-like batter, roll some balls. I typically get about 6 golf-ball sized balls from this recipe. If you want to get a bit fancy - you can roll the balls in some chia seeds, hemps seeds and coconut. If you can’t be arsed, that’s fine as well. These will need refrigeration so once they’re perfectly {haha - there’s no such thing} round pop them in a container or on a plate and put them in the fridge so they set… because lets face it, no-one wants sloppy balls ;)

If you love them you can double or even triple this recipe and make a whole heap at once. If you want them sweeter - add more maple or honey.

Enjoy! x